Baked Cod with Chimichurri

I've gotten into fish and cod is definitely one of my favorites because it is inexpensive, tasty, and easy to cook.
Since I have a love affair with fresh herbs, garlic, and acid, Chimichurri is an obvious side-kick for many of my dishes and it happens to go really well with cod.
First step is to just marinate a big slab of cod with salt, pepper, olive oil, and lemon juice. Bake on parchment for 12-14 minutes at 400 degrees, being really careful not to overcook.
My super oversimplified version of Chimichurri is just chopped garlic, parsley, lemon juice, and lots of salt.
When the fish is done, drizzle the Chimichurri over the top. I like to serve this fish with a green salad or vegetable and couscous.