we will get through this
We are living through a crazy and stressful time right now. Many of us are losing access to our gym facilities, which serve as so much more than just a place to work out--they are our community and family. Let's continue to care for ourselves and for others while respecting the guidelines of social distancing. Please use this page as a guide to help you stay motivated, active, and healthy. We just have to get creative!
To start, here are some tips for looking after your general health and wellness.
Tip 1
Acknowledge Your Anxiety
This situation is a huge disruption to daily life and it is going to trigger a lot of anxiety. This anxiety you are feeling might have been hidden somewhere else in your psyche and is now being pushed to the forefront. Before you jump into any of the action steps below, take some time to journal about what is making you most anxious. Let it all out. You can write sentences, bullet points, or even make crazy doodles. Check out Brene Brown's Rising Strong for more on her concept of "Shitty First Drafts." When you write down your deepest, darkest fears, sometimes they become a little less scary. And when those fears are out there in the open, you might have a revelation about which tip below will be the most helpful. A lot of anxiety comes about because we feel like we don't have control. After you finish, take a step back and think about which areas you actually could have control over and how you can take all of this day by day.
Tip 2
Build Your Community
Suddenly being shut off from social interaction can feel really distressing. Take steps to build your communities in a new way! Check on your family members and friends daily. Schedule phone dates so that you have something to look forward to. Create social media groups or group texts. Think about who is living alone and who might need the most support--reach out to them. One of my friends even set up a virtual dance party! Use FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom to help you stay connected. Now is the time to teach your Grandma how to use FaceTime!
For support with your workouts and other health tips, join this Facebook Group:
Fit No Matter What
Tip 3
Stay Active
Exercise is good for your physical and mental health. Period. Although being on self-quarantine is a great opportunity to catch up on projects and Netflix, make a commitment to move for at least 1 hour every day.
For a quick in-home workout and some of my other tips, check this out!
There are affordable and high quality workouts out there such as:
Les Mills On Demand (every exercise format you could think of for $9.99 a month)
Kaisa Fit
Kayla Itsines
Beach Body
Tone it Up
Don't forget about the power of getting outside for a walk or run. Sunshine and fresh air can help you reset your mind and clear out some of the anxiety.
Tip 4
Eat Healthy
When we are stressed, especially when we are stuck at home, it's really easy to turn to sugary foods for comfort. Take control of nourishing your body by planning and organizing. There is a strong link between nutrition and mental health.
Think about how many fruits and vegetables, and how much protein, carbohydrates, and condiments/seasoning you will need for a couple weeks. When you head to the grocery store, make sure you get the following items (but please don't stockpile--only get what you need):
Fresh fruits and vegetables that might last longer such as cabbage, beets, carrots, squash, apples, potatoes, onions, and citrus
Frozen fruits such as blackberries, raspberries, and cherries
Frozen vegetables such as green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.
Beans, canned or dry (or canned chili, lentil soup)
Greek yogurt
Meat, chicken, or fish (put in the freezer)
Pasta, rice, quinoa, or other grains
Canned tomatoes and/or pasta sauce
Balsamic vinegar and soy sauce
Lemons and limes
Salt, pepper, and spices
Olive oil
Dark chocolate :)
There are so many recipes you can make with basic pantry ingredients such as ground chicken/turkey over pasta, chickpea stew, black bean burgers, and chicken soup.
Check out some of my favorites!
Tip 5
Create & Maintain Structure
Structure helps us keep control over our lives. Sleeping late and hanging out in your pajamas sounds great--and it's ok for a couple days---but in the long-term, creating a predictable daily structure will help you keep your stress in check.
Wake up at a consistent hour every day
Eat on a consistent schedule
Get dressed
Take a shower
Set little goals for work or projects
Exercise for an hour every day
Tip 6
Manage Stress
This experience is going to test your mental strength. Everything about what's happening is scary and stressful. Think about this as an opportunity to flex a new mental muscle!
Practice gratefulness--this is a big one
Exercise daily
Practice meditation or at least a few minutes of slow deep breathing (use an app!)
Stick to your daily structure
Limit time on social media
Limit how much news you watch/read and what the sources are
Clean and organize your house (hello control freaks)
Listen to music and dance!
Stay connected to your friends and loved ones
Make donations to non-profits
Set goals
Here is an awesome article: 100 Ways Not to Freak the Fuck Out
Tip 7
Set Goals
For any other high achiever control freaks out there, setting and meeting goals can be really motivating and can help pull yourself out of a funk. Make lists and prioritize. Think about what you want to accomplish today or this week. Identify the low-hanging fruit and then get it done. Even something as simple as finally folding all the clothes in your huge laundry pile can send you on a positive trajectory so you feel like you can tackle the bigger things.
Tip 8
Make Lemonade
This could be the time that you FINALLY get to dive into that pet project that you've been pushing aside for years. Write that book, learn to knit, make jewelry, organize that closet, do 20 pushups on your toes, watch every single season of Grey's Anatomy, learn to dance.... When life gives you lemons, there's only one thing that you can do.